Austin Born is thrilled to be the only location in central Austin offering HypnoBirthing childbirth education!
Join beloved educator, Kat Grosshaupt, in this 5-week series to learn:
- Everything you need to know to achieve a safer, easier, and more comfortable birth
- How the mind and emotions affect the body
- Why labor hurts and why it doesn’t have to
- Releasing fear (the enemy of labor) including how to create a birthing environment that is calm, serene, and joyful rather than tense and stressful.
- Preparing your mind and body for birthing + learning to follow your natural instincts
- Avoiding artificial induction and episiotomy
- Developing ultimate deep relaxation to help you eliminate the Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome
- Understanding the stages of labor
- Preparing your Birth Plan
- Gentle birthing techniques, including breathing your baby down for birth
COST: $300 per couple