Finding out you're having a baby is exciting! Realizing you're solely responsible for caring for it is scary! That's why Chelsea Vail, Newborn Care Specialist, and Austin Born have teamed up to create the most comprehemsive newborn care class in Austin!
You'll hear from Phyllis Brasenell, owner of Austin Born and Certified Doula, about birth. Phyllis will inform parents about readiness, labor, positions, hospital procedures & policies, your rights as the mother, epidurals, birth center needs, and coping techniques. You'll also go home with a checklist regarding your hospital or birth center bags.
Chelsea will cover the following topics in great detail and issue handouts for you to refer to once you're home and baby is here:
- Feeding (bottles, formula, routine, weight gain)
- Breastfeeding
- Developmental milestones & play
- Diapers (cloth & disposable)
- Poops (what's healthy, what's not)
- Wellness (bathing, nail care, circumcision care, belly buttons, oral hygiene)
- Safety
- Sleep
- Self care
- Local resources
- Baby registry & gear
- Swaddling
- Calming techniques
- Finding your parenting style
You'll go home feeling like an expert and feeling like you could train all your friends! Join us Saturday, Sept. 20 from 1-4pm at Austin Born, 5210 Ave F in Austin, TX. You can register at See you there!